The Most Important Prayer

“Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored, as happened among you” – 2 Thessalonians 3:1

The last chapter of this letter includes many excellent examples of how to pray big Kingdom prayers aligned to God’s will. Studying it is a wonderful way to learn to align your prayers to God’s will rather than trying to align God’s will to your prayers. It begins in this verse with Paul declaring his top personal prayer request. He longs for fellow Christians to pray for him and his team so that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will spread faster in the world.

Paul didn’t prioritize personal comfort or need. He prioritized the most critical spiritual need of people who aren’t yet reconciled to God through faith in Christ. The most desperate need of people still facing God’s just and righteous wrath for their sins. His heart’s desire is for them to know the Lord, be made new and clean in Him, and walk with Him.

That needs to be the top prayer focus for followers of Jesus. This is what Jesus taught us all to pray first by asking that God’s name would be hallowed (praised as holy) and His Kingdom come on Earth. How much time do you typically spend praying for the advance of God’s Kingdom and the salvation of lost people? How much energy do you devote to praying for unreached people groups around the world? If these aren’t among your top prayer priorities, make the decision today to begin praying like Jesus taught and Paul practiced. Pray that the word of the Lord would speed ahead and be honored (believed, trusted) wherever it currently isn’t. #FollowJesus

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