The Transformation

“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.” – Philippians 3:20-21

No matter what your birth certificate or passport says, if Jesus is your Savior, your primary citizenship is in Heaven! Love, bless, and pray for the country in which you live but Heaven is where you’ll live forever after you pass away or Jesus returns and brings Heaven to earth. Don’t get so attached to your earthly home that you forget your true home. You now live on earth as an ambassador of Heaven, responsible for representing your King (Jesus) to the people around you.

Take careful note of the promise these verses make about what will happen to you when Jesus returns. Your body will be transformed! He will instantly transform your “lowly body” to be like His! Think about His resurrected body – raised to life, healed (though scarred by the cross), appearing in different places at will, eating and drinking – that’s the kind of body you will have once Jesus returns. A physical body that’s renewed in glorious power. A body that isn’t affected by age, illness, injury, or disability.

Whether you’re alive when Jesus returns or already passed away, this glorification of your body will happen. If dead, your soul will be reunited with your resurrected, glorified body. If living, the glorification will take place in a heartbeat. This will be your permanent situation – a sanctified, pure, holy soul living in a glorified, resurrected body. This is God’s ultimate will and design for you – a soul that’s holy like Jesus living in a body that’s glorified like Jesus. It’s extraordinary to contemplate, so take time to contemplate it! No more aches and pains, no more weaknesses or infirmities. Just creation as God intended it to be before mankind’s fall into sin. That’s your future in Christ! #FollowJesus

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