“You are my friends if you do what I command you.” – John 15:14
We delight in the truth that Jesus is the friend of sinners. Jesus certainly is an extraordinary friend!!! He meets us wherever we are. In the filth of our sins… In the depths of our foolishness… In the pits of our own making… In our despair… In our shame… In our humiliation… In our loss… In our sorrow… In our pain… In our guilt… What a friend we have in Jesus!
But are we a friend to Him? Jesus is certainly our friend, but are we His?>> In this verse, Jesus lovingly explained what it looks like to be His friend. It looks like doing what He commanded. Why? Because He is the Lord of the universe. Because His commands are for our good and His glory. Because He gave us His commands so that we may be filled with joy and grow in His power and presence. His commands are so that we will feel His love more fully and richly with each passing day. So, if we’re His friend, we’ll do EVERYTHING He commanded. The easy things and the hard things. The popular things and the deeply unpopular things. The obvious things and the subtle things. All of them!
So, are you a friend to Jesus??? Do you do everything possible to obey what Jesus commanded? Do you diligently love God? Do you deeply love ALL your neighbors? Do you truly love your fellow believers, especially the ones you know? Do you make disciples? Do you walk in holiness, repenting of EVERY sin? Do you crucify your flesh and the sinful desires of your heart? Do you pour yourself out for God’s Kingdom? Do you act as a citizen of God’s Kingdom more than a citizen of a world and a nation? Jesus always meets us where we are but then He commands us to leave that place and #FollowJesus