What? Me Worry?

“And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?” – Luke 12:25-26

Do you tend to worry? If so, please take these words of Jesus to heart. He doesn’t want you worrying. Worrying wastes time and emotional energy thinking about things you can’t control. Worry is a thief that robs your ability to enjoy the present as you stress about the future. As Jesus points out here, being anxious about things can’t add an hour to your life (but it may shorten it). It certainly makes your life less enjoyable. So try not to worry.

If you can’t control something or influence it’s outcome, there’s truly no value in thinking about it. Other than to pray about it. Prayer is your God-given antidote to worry. Why? Because it transfers your concern about something you can’t do anything about to the One Who can do everything about it. By prayer and supplication, you appeal to the all-powerful sovereign God of the universe. Unlike you, He has the power to change that situation or to work it to your good in some way you couldn’t have imagined. And, He has your best interest in heart! So, rather than pointless worry, invest your time and energy into powerful prayer.

Then let that situation go. By prayer you’ve not only done ALL you can possibly do to help the situation, you’ve done the MOST IMPORTANT and POWERFUL thing you can do to influence it. Try hard to discipline your mind to simply not think about that worrisome future. Focus on the present. Be mindful of each moment and enjoy it. See God at work in it. Love those around you. Count your blessings. Try to keep the thief of worry locked out of your mind. #FollowJesus

We MUST Work Together

“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” – 1 Corinthians 12:27

In His perfect wisdom, God has uniquely shaped and gifted individual Christians to need each other and work together to accomplish God’s will. Individually, we are inadequate to reach a lost and dying world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We MUST work together. Paul explains this vividly using the analogy of a human body. Human body parts are remarkable in their abilities because they’re highly specialized. No single part can do everything the body needs to do to live and thrive. An eye without a body can’t live. A body without an eye can’t see. So it is for followers of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit gifts us to complement one another. He shapes us to be together in local assemblies called churches. There we are to use our special gifts and talents for the good of all and the advancement of God’s Kingdom. Separated we have little impact on the world. Together, we turn the world upside down. Separated, we can’t fully live and experience all the blessings of the new life we’ve been given in Jesus Christ. Together, we’re able to grow through the joys and frustrations of obeying the many “one-another” commands of the New Testament.

Can the other parts of the body frustrate us, offend us, drive us crazy, or even hurt us? Yes. That doesn’t change how we were made. That doesn’t change the blessing and growth that are only available when we connect deeply with fellow believers to love one another, learn to forgive one another, bear one another’s burdens, sharpen one another, correct one another, forgive one another, etc. No matter how extraordinary your gifts and talents are, you weren’t made to go it alone for Jesus. You have been made to live in close connection to your brothers and sisters in Christ. #FollowJesus

When the Body is Divided

“But in the following instructions I do not commend you, because when you come together it is not for the better but for the worse. For, in the first place, when you come together as a church, I hear that there are divisions among you.” – 1 Corinthians 11:17-18a

Not all worship gatherings bring glory to God. Not all worship makes things better spiritually for the participants. Paul explains how this is possible by condemning divisions within the churches in Corinth. The local church is the body of Christ on earth. A church’s worship should illustrate, celebrate, and proclaim the truth that what unites us in Christ is more important than anything that could possibly divide us.

Unfortunately, in Corinth that wasn’t happening. In Corinth, the churches were divided by wealth, social class, and favorite church leader. God wasn’t being glorified in Corinth, even as the churches were growing. When a local church gathers to worship the Lord but is deeply divided inside, that isn’t a good thing. When the body is divided that’s devastating to its witness for Jesus. This is why Jesus placed such a priority on praying for unity within the churches (see John 17). It’s a good reminder to every Christian to prioritize unity over the things the world says should split us apart.

In your own life, make sure your intentionally prioritize unity with fellow believers over preferences. Over politics. Over social status. Over financial situation. Over country of origin. Over profession. Over education. Over spiritual gifts. Over favorite ministries. Over musical tastes. Over clothing styles. Keep no list of past wrongs. Be patient and understanding. Settle disputes quickly and reconcile to others as God has reconciled you to Him. Proclaim the gospel by coming together in unity and harmony every time you worship. #FollowJesus

How Big the Debt

“‘When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both. Now which of them will love him more?’ Simon answered, ‘The one, I suppose, for whom he cancelled the larger debt.’ And he said to him, ‘You have judged rightly.’” – Luke 7:42-43

Every true believer in Jesus has had his or her debt of sin cancelled by Jesus. God’s anger toward our sin was taken for us by Jesus at the cross. The just punishment for our sin was taken for us by Jesus at the cross. And yet, different followers of Jesus exhibit very different levels of love, zeal, and energy toward Jesus. Some burn with love and fire, eager to serve and obey. Others are only lukewarm and limited in their commitment. Why???

Often the difference stems from their beliefs about their sins that have been forgiven. For those who are deeply aware of their past guilt and shame and the degree to which they lived to spite God, the grace and forgiveness they received through Jesus overflows in passionate love and commitment. For those who “get it” in their head but never felt particularly bad about themselves, they’re often lukewarm about Jesus. They appreciate the benefits of being a Christian but aren’t fully convinced that they were all that bad to begin with. They’re wrong!

Hopefully you don’t think that way, but if you do, you’re wrong, too! ALL sin is rebellion against God. ALL sin makes a mockery of His authority. That includes “not that bad” sins that “don’t hurt anyone else”. That includes socially acceptable sins practiced by people who are “mostly good” like gossip, lying, envy, cutting ethical corner to get ahead, and an excessive temper. Whatever your past (or present) sins may be, they really are terrible! They really did nail Jesus to the cross. They really are your declaration of war against God. That’s true for every person on earth.

If you find yourself feeling lukewarm toward Jesus, spend some time contemplating the sins He’s saved you from. They really are infinitely worse than you could imagine! They really did separate you from God and condemn you to an eternity in Hell. Jesus really did save you from damnation! Feel the joy of your salvation. Feel the relief. Feel the delight of being reconciled to God and welcomed into His presence rather that cast out of it. Realize that you have truly been forgiven for much. Love and #FollowJesus!

The Extent of Mercy

“Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful.” – Luke 6:36

If you’ve experienced God’s mercy through faith in Jesus Christ, then you MUST be merciful. It isn’t an option. It isn’t a nice-to-have feature in your future character development. It isn’t something to get around to when it’s convenient. And it certainly isn’t something to only practice when it’s easy. True followers of Jesus are merciful toward enemies. Toward those who curse them, mock them, and hurt them. Toward those who slap them, extort them, and seek to take advantage of them. Toward those who are different, scary, and shouldn’t even be near them.

Jesus was very, very clear. Sinners know how to love their friends. Sinners know how to help people who will help them in return. Sinners know how to lend money to people who are a good credit risk. Those who’ve been touched by God’s grace and mercy must demonstrate it by living lives filled with grace and mercy toward people they otherwise wouldn’t care about. And Jesus is very, very clear about what the standard is – your mercy is to be like God’s!

Does your mercy toward others match up to God’s? Does your mercy toward those you dislike match up to God’s? Does your mercy toward those who disagree and oppose you and hate you match up to God’s? Be honest and don’t make excuses about this! If you call yourself a Christian but don’t have a heart of mercy toward those you’re inclined to dislike, you probably don’t know Jesus. Beg God for mercy and then be merciful as He is merciful. #FollowJesus